Hello guys, Welcome to https://theme-on-demand.blogspot.com
today I bring you Fletro Pro v5.5 Premium Blogger template . one of a user-friendly and responsive blogger template for blogger sites. Fletro Pro v5.5 premium blogger template. You can download Fletro Pro v5.5 premium blogger template easily, by just clicking on the Download button given below. If you want to check Fletro Pro v5.5 premium blogger template before downloading. then click on the demo button given below. and it will show you a demo of Fletro Pro v5.5 premium blogger template in adjacent tab. If you are facing any problem with anything you can contact me on telegram.Telegram link is given below.
About the Fletro Pro v5.5 premium blogger
Fletro Pro v5.5 premium blogger template is one of the fastest loading blogger templates in market and Also It is SEO Optimized blogger template that helps you to fast index your blog post in google and also other search engines, here in this post, I share Fletro Pro v5.5 Blogger Template with you for free. Fletro Pro can give professional look to your blog . So, then you should try this Blogger template on your site or blog one time . and check all features of Fletro Pro v5.5 Blogger Template. which is very useful for your blogger site. if you want to know more features of Fletro Pro v5.5 Blogger Template. Then, Read the features which are given below. But, to know the full features of the Fletro pro blogger template. visit the demo blog of this template and also read the post to understand more extra features about this template.
Fletro Pro v5.5 Blogger Template is designed with the UI dashboard concept. it (Fletro Pro v5.5 is a premium looking blogger template). this template is uploaded by https://theme-on-demand.blogspot.com. Fletro Pro v5.5 is the most famous blogger template of all time. this(Fletro Pro v5.5) is the single theme that gives you 100% surety of AdSense. If you are working hard for AdSense then Fletro Pro v5.5 is the only template for you.
Documentation Of Fletro Pro v5.5 Blogger Template
All Documentation of Fletro Pro v5.5 Blogger Template is in the Zip file. or the Documentation link will be given below, you can get it from there. Blogger themes customization is a very common thing nowadays. But for that, you must have all the documentation of Fletro Pro v5.5 blogger template. For blogger template customization you must know HTML, CSS, XML, and JS. these are the Four bases of every blogger template in the world. because bloggers support only these four. So for blogger template customization. you must know a little bit of HTML CSS, and JAVASCRIPT without it. you cant even change the icons or anything in the Fletro Pro v5.5 blogger template.
For theme customization, you must have to understand the Documentation of Fletro Pro v5.5 blogger template. Documentation is very important in every blogger template.Documentation helps you to create buttons sliders, youtube embed them in your posts. With the help of Documentation, you can make your post simple, neat, and clean that will attract more users.
If you are new to blogger then Themeondemanddoesn't suggest you to customize your blogger template. Because it may damage your default theme settings and widget. But if you want to customization Fletro Pro v5.5 blogger template anyway then use the Documentation and customization.
If you don't find theme Documentation in the Zip file or in the Post. Then you can comment in the post with your email. then I will send you the link of the theme Documentation link. I really try to include all the documentation of every blogger template.which I post on this blog, but sometimes it's hard to keep all the records of Documentation. for every blogger template, that why I forget sometimes.
Fletro Pro v5.5 Blogger Template is Responsive
If you want your website to rank at the top of Google search. then it's really important to use those blogger templates. which are user-friendly and responsive to every device. and Fletro Pro v5.5 is user-friendly and responsive to every device. so it will rank fast in google search. You can also check the responsiveness of Fletro Pro v5.5 blogger template by clicking the demo button given below.
Performance of Fletro Pro 5.5 Blogger Template is a top-notch. it's one of a kind blogger template. which have excellent performance as compared to other blogger templates. here are some of its performance metrics tested by me. its First Contentful Paint is below 2.3s.
Fletro Pro v5.5 blogger template supports: Clean and responsive design Created with Bootstrap 4. Totally secure system SEO optimized SEO friendly URL. Digital products Sale of physical products Sale of digital products. Add a product or service as an ordinary listing. Accept payments by bank transfer (offline payment). Guest Payment Shipping options Earnings Payments PayPal, IBAN, and SWIFT. payment options for payments Currency options Currency Format. Options Email Notifications Enable and disable the multi-vendor system . Sales commission rate Bank transfer notifications Multilingual system (any language can be easily added). Enable and disable option for multilingual system Editable and manageable navigation (with mega menu) Sensitive and tidy slider (with the Show and hide option) Promoted products (with the option Enable and disable) Pending Products Hidden products Drafts Product location map Preview options for the image, video, audio, and URL. As you can see below:
Download Fletro Pro 5.5 Blogger Template
Continuing with the previous version of the Fletro Pro Blogger Template, a new version called Fletro Pro v5.5 has been released with some stunning features that make it look more dynamic.
Fletro Pro 5.5 has incorporated some of the features of Median UI Blogger Template for much higher performance and better user experience.
Fletro Pro is a well-optimized blogger template designed for mobile and desktop devices. The new model has been built with a nicer design that cannot be compared to the previous version.
To further surprise your users, some of the newly installed widgets in the new fletro pro v5.5 with beautiful colors and unique placement will make it easy for your website visitors to navigate through the pages. and enjoy your content.
Features of Blogger Template Fletro Pro v5.5
Incorporating the features of the previously updated Fletro Pro version, here comes the new features and changes panel:
Improved colors for a better reading experience
The subject line is deleted
Responsive large ad widget (same as Average UI)
Font is changed to "Noto Sans"
Nice drop-down list
Dynamic footer design
Advanced author widget with location preview
Added article reading timer
Well-designed registration widget added
Changed author's icon in comments
Inline ads are well configured in posts
and more...